My wife teaches. She started a new program at a vocational school 5 years ago, so a similar experience to your first semester. I can confirm all of the "plan for it to be WAY more time intensive than you think" and "prepare more material than you think you'll need" points.

Some of her days are incredibly challenging, but she has the very rewarding ones too. I think that's what keeps her going back...

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As someone who spent almost 30 years teaching finance, you really captured teaching finance (and probably most other fields as well). Your first semester, you'll learn far more than the students. The interaction with students is a huge plus. I always thought that 25% were motivated learners, 50% were moderate learners, and 25% were going to do the bare minimum to pass (if that). That top 75% was a lot of fun most years. The time spent was definitely high (if you were interested in teaching) and doing it right, but the payoff was great as well during those "lightbulb" moments. Kudos to you for passing on your insights...especially in the introductory course (which I agree with you is a lot of fun along with teaching Investments courses).

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Thanks, Kevin!

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Apr 27Liked by Todd Wenning

Flyer class of 2020 here!

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Great to hear!

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